

The Stepping to Success: Maximizing Your Stepmill Lifespan

person climbing stepmill

The health of your equipment is as crucial as the health of your clients. In this comprehensive guide, we dive deep into the heart of preventive maintenance for one of the most popular and enduring pieces of fitness equipment – the stepmill, commonly known as the Stairmaster or climbmill. This post is tailored for you, […]

The Spin on Spin Bikes: Elevating Spinning Via Maintenance

Service Techs in Spin Studio

In the dynamic world of fitness, the health of your equipment is as crucial as the health of your clients. For owners and managers of fitness studios and gyms, particularly those specializing in spin classes, understanding and implementing effective maintenance strategies for spin bikes can be a game-changer. This blog post delves into the practical […]

Troubleshooting Your Treadmill: Quick Fixes to Common Treadmill Issues

Running on a treadmill

You have your running shoes laced up, a full water bottle in hand, and an awesome pump-up playlist already blasting through your wireless headphones. You’ve never been more ready to crush a treadmill workout! But as soon as you try to start up the treadmill, something isn’t right. No one wants to experience this themselves or […]

How to Fix a Squeaky Elliptical in No Time

Girl on an elliptical

If you’ve frequented the gym, you’ve seen that strange machine just past the treadmills. People on them seem to be running in slow motion, swinging the handles as their feet pump up and down. We’re talking, of course, about the elliptical. Causes of a Squeaky Elliptical Your gym likely faced unprecedented challenges this past year. Don’t add more to your list. Get […]

How to Tell If a Treadmill Belt Is Worn Out

Treadmill belt

Are you feeling like your treadmill is lagging or getting complaints from others about your equipment’s quality? It might be time to take matters into your own hands. Start by assessing your treadmill yourself and calling in professionals to help when you need proper repairs. Continue reading to figure out how to inspect your treadmill […]

What to Know When Hiring a Treadmill Repair Service: A Guide

Woman on treadmill

Picture this. You wake up one morning, ready to start your day with a quick one-mile run on your treadmill. After you finish stretching and preparing yourself for the run, you try to turn on the treadmill only to find it isn’t working. What are you to do now? You already threw away your manual, and […]

5 Treadmill Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Equipment Running Longer

A man running on a treadmill

Are you looking for ways to get the most out of your handy-dandy treadmill? Are you thinking about investing in one, but unsure of how extensive treadmill repair can be? If so, then you need to learn all that you can about treadmill maintenance right away. Doing so can help you know what you’re in […]

The Top 3 Highest-Rated Home Treadmills on the Market

The Top 3 Highest Rated Home Treadmills on the Market. You want the greatest treadmill possible when shopping. The appropriate treadmill can significantly improve your exercise, whether you’re a regular runner or a fitness enthusiast. We’ve looked at the top three treadmills on the market because of this. We’ll break down each treadmill for you, […]

Increasing Profits with Hydromassage Products

Girl on HydroMassage Lounge

 Hydromassage products are quickly rising in demand as a” must-have” amenity for country clubs, fitness facilities, apartment buildings, and chiropractic clinics. This is a result of the numerous advantages that these products provide, including increased recovery time after a workout, customer satisfaction, increased relaxation, and overall improved health and wellness.  Members and clients can unwind […]

What to Watch Out for When Doing Squats With Weights

Squats are one of the best exercises for strengthening and toning your lower body. When done correctly, they can help you build muscle, lose weight, improve balance and coordination, and even increase cardiovascular health. However, performing squats incorrectly can lead to a number of injuries. To get the most out of this exercise without putting […]

Avoiding Liability: Using Certified and Insured Fitness Equipment Repair Companies

Man hurt on treadmill

As the demand for fitness equipment in multi-housing, property management, and public facilities continues to grow, so does the need for reliable, certified, and insured repair services. Having certified and insured fitness equipment repair services can reduce liability for owners of multi-housing properties and property managers. Let’s explore why it is important to utilize certified […]